Blackjack Should You Split 10s

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When it comes to splitting 10s, it will depend on the particular blackjack game rules, because of there different 10-value cards. But mostly it is advised not to split your pair of 10s unless you are a real specialist and know the game inside and out. According to basic strategy, you should split 9s against every numeric card a dealer holds, except for a 7.The reason is that if the dealer holds a seven, he stands a great chance of holding a 10 hole card and will stand on his hard 17, thus your 9-9 will win. However, to play the demo, you will need to sign up for a account. With so many Online Casino games to choose from, this will help you decide which ones you like best. The free demo is also a great way to learn how Blackjack Should You Split 10s to play a specific game before you decide to wager real money.


NEVER split a pair of 10s! To clarify, two 10s will give you a 20, which is an excellent standing hand in blackjack. Having in mind that the average winning number in blackjack is 18.5, it is clear that 20 provides you with an advantageous position.

I always split 10's against a dealers face card of a 5. I do this even if a strategy chart would discourage it. The only thing I dislike about splitting 10's is that the dealer will then bellow out loudly that someone is splitting 10's. As if to notify the pit boss that the person splitting 10's should be on their radar.
I am not a card counter, because I don't frequent the casinos with the mind set that my goal should be to always beat the house. Sometimes I just want to play for recreation and not count cards. So personally I think that if more people would split 10's, then this would help take away from the Casinos 'Radar' edge of yelling 'Splitting 10s'.
However then again, I am a small time recreational better, of 5 to 25 per hand. If I were playing a $100 hand, or $1000 hand, then I would definitely not be splitting 10's.
Anyway, just my thoughts. Thanks for all of the Black Jack players who have helped me on this forum.

I always split 10's against a dealers face card of a 5. I do this even if a strategy chart would discourage it. The only thing I dislike about splitting 10's is that the dealer will then bellow out loudly that someone is splitting 10's. As if to notify the pit boss that the person splitting 10's should be on their radar.
I am not a card counter, because I don't frequent the casinos with the mind set that my goal should be to always beat the house. Sometimes I just want to play for recreation and not count cards. So personally I think that if more people would split 10's, then this would help take away from the Casinos 'Radar' edge of yelling 'Splitting 10s'.
However then again, I am a small time recreational better, of 5 to 25 per hand. If I were playing a $100 hand, or $1000 hand, then I would definitely not be splitting 10's.
Anyway, just my thoughts. Thanks for all of the Black Jack players who have helped me on this forum.

Don't make a hair-brained play like this. What's the matter with you? Never split 10s. It's a big -EV move. If you can't help yourself from doing it quit playing blackjack and just mail the casino a check. Don't make me hurt you!

I always split 10's against a dealers face card of a 5. I do this even if a strategy chart would discourage it. The only thing I dislike about splitting 10's is that the dealer will then bellow out loudly that someone is splitting 10's. As if to notify the pit boss that the person splitting 10's should be on their radar.
I am not a card counter, because I don't frequent the casinos with the mind set that my goal should be to always beat the house. Sometimes I just want to play for recreation and not count cards. So personally I think that if more people would split 10's, then this would help take away from the Casinos 'Radar' edge of yelling 'Splitting 10s'.
However then again, I am a small time recreational better, of 5 to 25 per hand. If I were playing a $100 hand, or $1000 hand, then I would definitely not be splitting 10's.
Anyway, just my thoughts. Thanks for all of the Black Jack players who have helped me on this forum.

You're fine. I'm not going to knock you for trying to add some excitement by splitting 10s in what can be a tedious and boring game.
As a counter I will split 10s whenever the count calls for it after evaluating for any heat. Here's a little trick that some counters use. Split 10s during a neutral count when you have your minimum bet out. It won't cost a lot and the idea is to get the pit used to the fact that you're an idiot. I can't say that it will always work and you must leave after showing your max bet whether you've made any index plays or not.
Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth. - Mahatma Ghandi

Don't make a hair-brained play like this. What's the matter with you? Never split 10s. It's a big -EV move. If you can't help yourself from doing it quit playing blackjack and just mail the casino a check. Don't make me hurt you!

That's ridiculous. If he enjoys splitting 10's against a 5 (or 6) more power to him. Not everyone thinks they are going to bankrupt a casino by being the worlds best advantage player. He's playing for fun.
When I play, I play for fun as well. I know every house advantage percentage, every 'sucker' bet and every play people that take this too seriously cry about. And despite all of that, I've split 10's, doubled on Blackjack, played a Pai Gow hand differently than optimal, let my bets ride on a hunch in Let it Ride, etc, etc, etc.
Why can't people just play like they want to and have fun without being asked what's the matter with them or being slapped with it being an -EV move? Tipping 25% instead of 15% or 20% on a restaurant bill probably costs more than splitting 10's but you don't see people telling others that's -EV.
I am an employee of a Casino. Former Table Games Director, current Pit Supervisor. All the personal opinions I post are my own and do not represent the opinions of the Casino or Tribe that I work for.

Don't make a hair-brained play like this. What's the matter with you? Never split 10s. It's a big -EV move. If you can't help yourself from doing it quit playing blackjack and just mail the casino a check. Don't make me hurt you!

Wait a minute now, GJ. I assume this statement is meant for this particular non-counter poster. For a card counter, splitting tens is +EV. Pretty big +EV, when done correctly. It is one of the top strategy change plays behind taking insurance at the proper index. Problem is as 1BB alluded too, it draws big attention. And if it doesn't draw initial attention, it might draw what I call secondary attention from the other players at the table making comments and/or a fuss.
There is a common comeback on several BJ sites of 'there are other players at the table?', meaning you should ignore other players and their comments and play should not influence anything you do. BUT, when their comments lead to extra attention in the form of a pit critter walking over to see what is going on, then yes there are definitely other players at the table and their actions/comments can be negative consequence in the form of additional attention.
Splitting 10's is one of a handful of plays that casinos use to identify counters. Just like taking insurance and even hitting 16 vs 10, it is the fact that these plays are made sometimes and not at others that are the big 'tells'.
For a player such as myself, who's whole game is about drawing minimal attention and flying under the radar as much as possible, I have all but given up the +EV play of splitting 10's. It just isn't +EV when weighted against ALL the consequences (extra attention). I say 'all but given up' because like most things in life, there are exceptions. I will still do so, if I think I can get away with it, while drawing minimal attention if the count is real high. I mean significantly above the proper index. Even above the risk-adverse index. Of course, I will exit at the shuffle after such a move, which I would be doing anyway after showing my max bet. I am also a little more 'willing' to do so, when I am out of town, away from my regular rotation of stores.
Can somebody provide some insight as to WHY split tens are always announced by the dealer? It is hardly a good way to identify counters, I would assume that most of the split tens on any given day in a casino come from recreational players. If they wanted to identify counters, they should rather announce things like '5-fold bet increase'...

Can somebody provide some insight as to WHY split tens are always announced by the dealer? It is hardly a good way to identify counters, I would assume that most of the split tens on any given day in a casino come from recreational players. If they wanted to identify counters, they should rather announce things like '5-fold bet increase'...

It isn't that splitting 10's alone identifies card counters. You probably have heard the saying that only idiots and card counters split 10's. So what it does is draw attention. And once someone, pit or surveillance begins to take a look at your play, it usually isn't hard for them to distinguish if you are an idiot or a card counter.
That is basically the situation with all these 'tells' that are used to identify counters. The' tell' itself doesn't prove anything, but it may cause someone to take a closer look and upon further examination........

Can somebody provide some insight as to WHY split tens are always announced by the dealer? It is hardly a good way to identify counters, I would assume that most of the split tens on any given day in a casino come from recreational players. If they wanted to identify counters, they should rather announce things like '5-fold bet increase'...

Pretty sure it's so there's evidence when the play fails and the player tries to claim it isn't what they wanted. Same reason they call out for doubling a hard 12, etc.
And they do also call out for large bets in most shops, especially when it's a break from a player's past betting values. 'black/purple/yellow action' 'Checks play', etc.
'So as the clock ticked and the day passed, opportunity met preparation, and luck happened.' - Maurice Clarett

Wait a minute now, GJ. I assume this statement is meant for this particular non-counter poster. For a card counter, splitting tens is +EV. Pretty big +EV, when done correctly. It is one of the top strategy change plays behind taking insurance at the proper index. Problem is as 1BB alluded too, it draws big attention. And if it doesn't draw initial attention, it might draw what I call secondary attention from the other players at the table making comments and/or a fuss.
There is a common comeback on several BJ sites of 'there are other players at the table?', meaning you should ignore other players and their comments and play should not influence anything you do. BUT, when their comments lead to extra attention in the form of a pit critter walking over to see what is going on, then yes there are definitely other players at the table and their actions/comments can be negative consequence in the form of additional attention.
Splitting 10's is one of a handful of plays that casinos use to identify counters. Just like taking insurance and even hitting 16 vs 10, it is the fact that these plays are made sometimes and not at others that are the big 'tells'.
For a player such as myself, who's whole game is about drawing minimal attention and flying under the radar as much as possible, I have all but given up the +EV play of splitting 10's. It just isn't +EV when weighted against ALL the consequences (extra attention). I say 'all but given up' because like most things in life, there are exceptions. I will still do so, if I think I can get away with it, while drawing minimal attention if the count is real high. I mean significantly above the proper index. Even above the risk-adverse index. Of course, I will exit at the shuffle after such a move, which I would be doing anyway after showing my max bet. I am also a little more 'willing' to do so, when I am out of town, away from my regular rotation of stores.

I know all about what you're saying. You're entire post that has relevance to what I responded to was your first line, 'Wait a minute now, GJ. I assume this statement is meant for this particular non-counter poster.'
This guy is a beginner. And I'm not trying to encourage him not have fun. But mathematically, for him, it is a crazy-bad play.

Blackjack Videos Never Split Tens

Blackjack Should You Split 10s
Don't get me wrong about the rest of our post. You have, as usual, some great observations.
Thinking about it without the math, or in other words: trying to explain the math...

Blackjack Should You Split 10s Without

You have a situation where, if you stand, it is highly likely that you both keep your initial bet, and also win the bet.

Blackjack Should You Split 8s

If you split, you are doubling your potential loss, while possibly weakening both hands. A dealer 5 or 6 is not only good because the dealer is more likely to bust, he is less likely to get 20's as well. So you really do give up a lot with the 20, and if you end up with 2 18's, even then you have a good chance of losing.

Should You Split 10s In Blackjack

'Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1.' -Warren Buffett on risk/return